
Reproductive health knowledge platform for youth

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Family planning

Family planning


Family planning refers to the voluntary use of various methods of fertility control during the reproductive age of individual men and women to assist couples in making reproductive decisions to ensure the well-being of children and parents. The interest in family planning came as part of the basic human rights and one of the most important reproductive rights stipulated in international law and in various international and regional conventions and treaties that affirm the recognition of the basic right of individuals to enjoy an acceptable and safe sex life, and their freedom to determine the date and frequency of childbearing. Thus, family planning allows the couple to plan and control the size of the family, the dates of having children, and the spacing between them, in addition to avoiding unsafe abortions and unwanted pregnancies using safe methods (whether traditional or modern).


The importance of family planning

In view of the many problems resulting from not following family planning, the most important of which is the problem of population inflation, which greatly affects the drawing of future plans, many programs have recently spread to raise awareness of the importance of family planning because of the positive results on the child and mother, the family and society as a whole.

family planning Key messages

family planning Key messages Spouses’ planning for the pregnancy spacing ensures that they maintain their health and the health of their children, and children have the right to obtain adequate care. Informing the couple about the various methods of family planning and the characteristics of each of them helps them choose the appropriate method for them. The ..

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Family Planning Benefits

Family Planning Benefits Benefits for women Benefits for the man Benefits for the child Benefits for the family Benefits to the society Reducing the steady increase in population growth and the economic difficulties accompanying it by increasing productivity and the average national income per capita and thus alleviating pover ..

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How and who decides to use family planning?

How and who decides to use family planning There are many methods of family planning, and women can choose the method that suits them with the help of a specialist doctor. However, the use of any family planning method is not limited to women as is common, but the decision to organize childbearing is a joint decision between spouses as it affects each of them and ..

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أنواع وسائل تنظيم الأسرة

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Places of providing family planning services

Places of providing family planning services Jordan pays a lot of attention to reproductive health programs in general and family planning in particular, and it seeks through the National Reproductive Health Strategy 2020-2030 prepared by the Higher Population Council to reduce the total fertility rate to 2.1 in 2040 by increasing the rate of use of various famil ..

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The man's role in successful family planning

The man's role in successful family planning Women need the support of their partners in matters related to their lives together and their families in all areas of life, especially concerning family planning. As a man, your role is important, especially in Participate in deciding the spacing of pregnancies and choosing the appropriate method for both of you. ..

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Reasons to stop using family planning methods:

Reasons to stop using family planning methods In the Arab world, stopping the use of contraceptives is attributed to several reasons, including the inherent health risks, fears of the failure of the method, pressure from the husband’s family, or the husband’s desire to have more children (preferably boys), lack of information and detailed advice about the methods ..

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