
Reproductive health knowledge platform for youth

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ما هي الإرشادات الصحية الضرورية للمحافظة على صحة الأم الحامل أثناء الحمل ؟

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What are the normal symptoms during pregnancy?

What are the normal symptoms during pregnancy? Normal symptoms To see oneself. Vaginal discharge. Varicose veins. Back pain. Constipation. Heartburn or indigestion. Drowsiness or tiredness. Swelling. Muscle spasm. Hemorrhoids. Abnormal symptoms Anemia. High blood sugar. Hypertension. Pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding. Gesta ..

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Physiological & Psychological changes during pregnancy

Physiological & Psychological changes during pregnancy Physiological changes represent a natural adaptation of a pregnant woman during her pregnancy to better assimilate the fetus or the expecting child. Therefore, these changes are considered normal, such as those related to cardiovascular, hematological, metabolic, renal, and respiratory characteristics. The bo ..

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Signs of Pregnancy

Signs of Pregnancy Symptoms Early pregnancy symptoms and the symptoms of the menstrual cycle (menstruation) are very similar, and because the menstrual cycle and pregnancy both have hormonal changes, so we find this similarity in symptoms. What the wife feels may be pre-menstrual symptoms, which may occur ten days before the occurrence of the period, which ..

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Health care for pregnant women

Health care for pregnant women The food should be complete, and balanced and include all nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Integrated food : The daily integrated food should contain at least three meals for each of the following three basic groups: Energy and effort foods carbohydrates and fats (which provide the b ..

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Advice and management of minor complaints during pregnancy

Advice and management of minor complaints during pregnancy Nausea/vomiting The cause of nausea and vomiting is due to the increased concentration of hormones in the body. The feeling of nausea and vomiting begins to gradually disappear by week 12-13, i.e., the beginning of the fourth month. Women are advised to: Eat small frequent meals rather than one ..

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High-risk pregnancies

High-risk pregnancies They are the pregnancies that, during their progression, pose a danger to the mother or the fetus, or both, at a higher rate than the general risk during a normal pregnancy. About (75-80%) of the percentage of diseases and deaths are perinatal. Early identification of these patients followed by appropriate treatment and measures may greatly m ..

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Management of high-risk pregnancies

Management of high-risk pregnancies Early detection of high-risk pregnancies is the basis for the appropriate management and is the responsibility of midwives and doctors, through periodic examination of the pregnant woman (pressure, auscultation of the heart, weight, and general examination of equipment, monitoring of pregnancy, and examination of the lower uter ..

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